New York City Artist Richie Adomako (b. 1984 Kumasi, Ghana) works in forms of Neo-Expressionism in formats of painting, installations as well as compositions in sound, performance and words. Merging these mediums as cross disciplines, he is concerned with types and archetypes - where we are one or the other, and at times both. Whether in strokes, sound or by organ of sight, his works plays with the relationship between face and mind; the omniscience of memory as a mirror and a projector...Sometimes there are no walls - just a common denominator.
Richie currently lives in New York City. When he is not painting, he's working his second novel or composing songs separate from his day to day also as an Art Director and Digital Marketing Strategist. Some of Richie work as an artist has shown at the Whitney Museum, Smack Mellon Gallery, P! Gallery, Roulette Intermedium, The Jacob Lawrence Gallery, The New Foundation, Witte De With Museum for Contemporary Art, Glasslands, and BRIC Arts in Brooklyn among others.